The goal of all great art is to inspire and to move us. Beauty provides us with moments of joy and refreshment as well as solace in difficult times. At its best Art has the power to lift us above our mundane lives and help us connect to a higher realm of existence.

Within the realm of music, it is probably the element of melody which is most responsible for helping us attain this lofty goal. It is the presence of a memorable melody which enables music to speak directly to our hearts.

Melody also happens to be the defining characteristic of this musical project.

I have always had a fascination for musical instruments. In the sheer variety of their shapes and sounds they provide an ideal metaphor for the Human race. I have often felt, when attending a concert of classical music, that the instrument is nothing but an extension of the musician playing it. It is not by chance that one person chooses to become a cellist, while another person becomes a flautist or a trumpet player. There is a real connection between the unique sound of the instrument and the character of the musician playing it. This is why it is so moving to look at an orchestra playing.

You feel that you're witnessing an exercise in human transcendence.

Here you have a large group of people stepping out of the narrow confines of their individual selves in a joint effort to connect to something far greater and noble.

It is a never ending source of wonder for me to see how a composer allots a special role to each and every instrument in keeping with its own unique attributes, and then to hear how they all blend together seamlessly within the symphony.

Likewise we await the day when the right conductor will appear on the scene and succeed in fusing together the different strands of Humanity into one triumphant and harmonious whole.

I would like to thank the Creator for having granted me the inspiration for these melodies as well as the ability to turn them into the fully fledged pieces of music which they eventually became.

I would also like to thank the arrangers I collaborated with:
David Louis, Yonathan Goodman, Daniel Goldstein, and last but not least, Israel Edelson without whose inspired contribution this music wouldn't have seen the light of day.